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Ivanetti has vibrant plum-colored petals in a ball shape. This beauty fits the bill when we have florists looking for ‘merlot’ colored dahlias. It’s a reliable bloom producer on nice, tall stems. Perfection!
Bloom size: 3”-4”. Plant height: 3’-4
Ivanetti has vibrant plum-colored petals in a ball shape. This beauty fits the bill when we have florists looking for ‘merlot’ colored dahlias. It’s a reliable bloom producer on nice, tall stems. Perfection!
Bloom size: 3”-4”. Plant height: 3’-4
Ivanetti has vibrant plum-colored petals in a ball shape. This beauty fits the bill when we have florists looking for ‘merlot’ colored dahlias. It’s a reliable bloom producer on nice, tall stems. Perfection!
Bloom size: 3”-4”. Plant height: 3’-4